Baltic Sauna - Aqua Park Sopot

Baltic Sauna

The Baltic Sauna is a newly created dry sauna on an outdoor terrace. A stay in the sauna has an excellent effect on reducing stress and fatigue. Aromatic sauna sessions envelop you in warmth and fragrance to the soothing sounds of music. Sauna sessions take place at full hours according to the schedule. They improve immunity, especially during the autumn and winter season, when we our organism is particularly vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Apart from improving the efficiency of the organism and blood circulation, it alleviates painful joints.


A stay in the sauna has an excellent effect on reducing stress and fatigue. Aromatic sauna sessions envelop you in warmth and fragrance to the soothing sounds of music. Sauna sessions take place at full hours according to the schedule. This is where aromatic sauna rituals take place every day. Apart from improving the efficiency of the organism and blood circulation, sauna sessions alleviate painful joints.

You may stay in the sauna only naked or in a sauna costume intended for this purpose (towel, sarong). The towel should be spread out in the sauna so that no part of the body comes into contact with the wooden surface.

  • temperature: between 90 and 100°C, humidity: 5-10%
  • dry air
  • recommended time of one sauna cycle: 5-15 minutes
  • rest should not be shorter than one sauna cycle
  • from 2-3 series (sauna, cooling, rest)


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Park Wodny Sopot Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Sopocie zarejestrowana przez Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk-Północ w Gdańsku, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, o kapitale zakładowym 23 950 000,00 złotych. KRS: 0000018353, REGON: 191828357, NIP: 585-13-53-942, Bank PKO oddział w Gdańsku PL 08 1020 1811 0000 0402 0075 5280.