Steam Bath - Aqua Park Sopot


Steam Bath

Steam Bath is a steam sauna with natural fragrances. It regenerates the entire body and hair and, due to extra effect of the fragrances, it positively impacts the respiratory tract. It increases the metabolism, making carbohydrates and lipids burn faster. The blood in the blood vessels flows more quickly, providing more nutrients to the organs and transporting the blood more efficiently.

Sauna disinfection daily 17: 00-17: 30 (sauna out of service)


  • A place of relaxation
  • Temperature up to 45°C, humidity: 100%
  • Humid air
  • Positive effect on the metabolism
  • Special fragrances positively impact the respiratory tract
  • Recommended time of stay: 5-15 minutes (no more than 30 minutes a day), e.g. 2x15 minutes 2-3 times a week

Price list

the price list is valid until Price per person 1h ticket 3h ticket No limit
from June 22 to September 1, 2024 (Everyday)
Normal 69 PLN 109 PLN 139 PLN
Additional fee for exceeded time: 1 PLN/min 1 PLN/min -
Towel rental 25 zł


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Park Wodny Sopot Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Sopocie zarejestrowana przez Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk-Północ w Gdańsku, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, o kapitale zakładowym 23 950 000,00 złotych. KRS: 0000018353, REGON: 191828357, NIP: 585-13-53-942, Bank PKO oddział w Gdańsku PL 08 1020 1811 0000 0402 0075 5280.